Friday, August 28, 2009

Working Mommy and Other Randomness

We planned very carefully (with the Lord's blessing) when we would like to have our second child, and because of that I strategically avoided being big-pregnant in the summer AND ended up with 5 1/2 months of maternity leave. I somehow thought having a long maternity leave would make returning to work easier. It has not. My time home with them has been wonderful, especially over the last six weeks or so, that it has really broken my heart to go back to work on a regular basis. Fortunately, I work with some really amazing people, so my time away is filled with good conversation, laughter, and purposeful work. So, all that to say it has been a difficult transition back for me, but we are settling in nicely. The kids are back at Tassie's house, and love it. In another week or so, Lilly will start preschool... that's a whole other post in itself! Say tuned.

Here are a few pictures, just to catch up. They aren't at all related to the post. I know, I'm random.
Aren't they beautiful! Lilly's wearing princess panties, a long-sleeved pajama shirt, and a swimsuit. Quite the fashionista.
As of August 5, Everett can sit up on his own! Way to go, big guy! On the 26th, learned to log-roll as a form of transportation. That's right, folks. Our little man is mobile!

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