I am so thankful to God for both of my birth experiences, because they make me the woman I am today. Thought it might be interesting to compare the two, side-by-side and blow-for-blow.
Laboring with Lilly: Notice my one pillow I dragged to the hospital with me, the IV in my right arm, the hospital gown I'm wearing, and the machines and monitors I'm connected to. 12 hours of pitocin and oxygen masks, lying in bed. (This picture was taken right when I arrived at the hospital.)
Laboring with Everett: Notice I'm wearing what I'm most comfortable in, the lighting is nice, I've got lots of comfy pillows, I'm drinking what I want when I want, and there isn't a needle in sight.
Lilly's delivery: I pushed for almost 3 hours because I didn't labor down, never ever felt the urge to push, just purple-pushed when a monitor told me to. OB cut an episiotomy without ever telling me. First hands to hold her were the OB's and nurse's, First thing she laid on was a chux pad, and I look just a little disconnected and stunned. Everett's delivery: Labored down (trying to buy time for the midwife to arrive!), pushed for about 17 minutes. I only pushed when I felt the urge, sometimes strongly, sometimes more gently. This allowed plenty of time for natural stretching, so no tearing and certainly no episiotomy. First hands to touch him were mine. The feeling can best be described as glorious elation, and I think Frank's face speaks louder than words.Lilly's first bath: Under a warmer, given by someone we don't know. Lilly cried the whole time.
Everett's first bath: A warm, candle-lit, herbal bath with Mommy. Daddy washed his hair. He was calm and alert.Lilly's Vitals: 7lb, 4oz 18 1/2 inches long
Everett's Vitals: 9lb, 9oz 21 1/2 inches long (And doesn't that look way more cozy than the flat scale?)