Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby Rebarchik FAQs

Q. What are you having?
A. A precious baby BOY!

Q. Is Lilly excited?
A. In those rare moments she isn't completely thinking about herself, yes, she's very excited. She is two, you know.

Q. When are you due?
A. March 12... Frank is guessing February 23.... I'm dead set on keeping this baby in until March. Neither of us really have a say in that, do we?

Q. How are you feeling?
A. I'm finally done being sick! YEA!!! It only took 18 weeks to get past it, but he's worth it!

Q. Have you chosen a name?
A. Not yet... it's being discussed on a constant basis at our house. We're open for suggestions, but don't be offended if we don't use yours. And YES, we will tell you as soon as we have one picked out. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm in to all things embroidered and personalized!

Q. Will there be a Frank Edward Rebarchik, V?
A. IV has ruled that out. The legacy dies here.

Q. Have you felt him move?
A. Yes, lots of times. But he's not a mover and shaker like his sister was. We're hoping that he stays this mellow once he's out.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Handley Street Festival 10/11/08

Our awesome community group had a booth at the Handley Street Festival, to sell cheap sodas and get the word out about our church. It was a TON of work, but we had a great time together.
Getting everything together....
Setting up the booth with Phil and Janet.
Lilly "helping" the storyteller on the children's stage.
Lilly loved climbing in the big old yellow fire truck!

Train Ride

Our community group went on a train ride to Dallas to have dinner together. I can't begin to describe how much Lilly loves the train! Here are a few of our favorite pictures:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The worst blogger ever

I know, I have become the worst blogger ever. Since I last posted, we've had a lot going on. On August 25, Lilly turned two. That same day, I went back to work. Everything's been a whirlwind since then. But since I know you only check this blog to see cute pictures of my girl, I'll cut the small talk and post some pics!
Lilly's first haircut 8-22-08. It's amazing how still she'll be for a sucker.
Happy 2nd Birthday, Lillian Cate!
Our beautiful, and very tired, birthday girl.
Lilly finding a comfey spot to watch the balloons at the Plano Balloon Festival.